- info@edumecanada.com
- Call us: 905-270-0504
- 3464 Semenyk Court, Suite 201, Mississauga, ON, L5C 4P8, Canada
- Unit 1C - 201 King St WOshawa, ON L1J 2J5, Canada
eduME Educational Consultants Inc. (incorporated in Ontario, Canada) is a leading provider of educational consultancy and management services. eduME has offices in Toronto, Cairo and Dubai and has established its operations in Egypt and UAE. The total market investment value of eduME in the area around USD$80 million and is expected to double in next five years mainly in promoting the International education in the Middle East
eduME, since its inception in 2008, worked on developing the education sector in the region by identifying needs and creating the relevant platform for the stakeholders to advance mutual interests.
eduME re-organized its structure in 2023 to embrace a more proactive and effective role in meeting the evolving education needs. Building on its successful record and the expertise of its shareholders, eduME foresees a new role as a catalyst and a driver for success, providing adequate and timely advice to stakeholders to navigate through the education landscape of the MENA region, identify opportunities, set strategies, create plug and play platforms, and assist entities to thrive in challenging markets. eduME has the capacity and the knowledge to create and drive opportunities from concept, inception to implementation, and advance the academic and economic interests of stakeholders.
eduME, through its recent restructuring, ensured to leverage on the diversified portfolio, market knowledge and expertise of its new partners, taking the company to a new level that aims at providing valuable, strategic and timely advise, adopting new modern techniques to directly and indirectly help its partners and clients in anchoring institutional collaboration and partnerships. eduME will step-in at any phase of the process as required by our clients to assess opportunities, strategize the best approach, help the client navigate through the processes and achieve the desired result.
Through our dynamic, knowledgeable and experienced team, our network, eduME is able to adapt to evolving methodologies, understand the clients needs, advise on best strategies and provide and implement a tailored solution that will help shape the transaction and achieve the desired goal.
To become the region’s foremost provider of quality education and training consultancy.